Michael Groves
At a time when my mood was incredibly low and having little feeling of worth, I was directed towards ICV and Ken Carver where I was to learn of his own personal tragedy.
Almost immediately I found this web site to be both fantastic and in many ways equally disturbing! Even as a former Deck Officer and one who was primarily involved in the security and safety of all passengers, crew and vessels, I was shocked by the number of crimes and “other incidents” of missing persons that have occurred and continue to occur; consistently, I might add.
I was also surprised and happy to locate one of my former colleagues sitting on the Board. Mark Gaouette in actual fact was my boss for a time whilst serving with the Seabourn fleet. Mark and Ken have since provided a sympathetic ear and support while listening to my own personal battles in trying to bring Carnival Corp, the owners of Seabourn, before the judicial system.
If you are a victim or a family member of a victim then I would wholeheartedly recommend registering with ICV and fully supporting this cause!
Airlines have been regulated for years and should a tragedy occur there, actions or unconnected causes leading to accidents are thoroughly investigated and new regulations are brought in more often than not. As a carrier of souls, the cruise industry also has a huge responsibility towards us and our loved ones. To shy away from this is both criminal and equally distressing for those left behind or otherwise left struggling in the wake.
It remains inconceivable that their “high seas antics” can continue and therefore I hope you will provide your support and sign the petition and also join ICV.
As for my story, at this time I am unable to discuss it in much detail due to legal restrictions, but ladies and gentleman, My name is Michael Groves and I’m this guy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6664677.stm